While you make points that are hard to argue, I can't help but feel that this is a very US-centric outlook, rather than "western countries".
In the UK (outside of London) you can rent a 3 bedroom house with a garden for around $800 per month. Pools aren't exactly common because of the weather, but a quick Google showed that luxury holiday homes with a pool that are charged by the night still only come to around $500 more than your Thai villa. $2,500 per month would net you a very nice place here.
I doubt the medical situation needs elaborating on, but needless to say medical-related bankruptcy isn't really a thing here (which is not to say the system is perfect, but neither is anyone else's).
As for the authoritarian police, plenty of UK residents like to complain about them on Twitter, but the truth is our police get far more flak for not doing enough than they do for overreaching and abusing their power.
I suspect the picture of England painted in this article is based on London specifically (or the inaccurate assumption that England is basically the same as America), but I can say as a lifelong resident here, most of the reasons you give to get out don't apply.